Our next District meeting…
…is scheduled for 12:00 noon on September 6th at the Bethany Lutheran Church, 217 N M-129 in Cedarville. Anyone interested in service is encouraged to attend-we’re looking to fill some service positions at the District level, and we welcome the participation of all our groups in District 16.
Click here for a map
The 32nd Annual Northwoods Campout/Bunk-in is coming…
…August 29th, 30th, and 31st.
Printable Flyers…The Broadband files are quite large–dialup users should download the Dialup version (sorry, no map on that one–get the map below)
.doc Dialup version
Map Only (dialup or broadband)
.doc Broadband version
.pdf Broadband version
Area Assembly
Please contact your group GSR if you are interested in attending an Area Meeting in the future. Area Meetings are held on the third Sunday of each month, and the location rotates throughout the area (which stretches from Sault Ste. Marie and Brimley all the way to Benton Harbor and Sturgis).