


Thank you for visiting the new West Michigan Area Assembly Website.    We also want to keep you informed periodically of important site changes and other valuable AA correspondence. This is a public domain website all information is visible to all.

Find an AA meeting, use the Meetings Tab, or Click here for AA Meetings

Does your District have a completed meeting list? Send it here.

Check out our meeting in print — AA Grapevine

2016 Area Assembly District Locations (TBD by the end of 2015)

January 15,2017district-7 Feb.9
March 19,2017district-4 April 16,2017- TBD
May 21, 2017 district 12 June 18,2017
district TBD
July 16,2017
August 20,2017district-13
September 17,2017district-6 October 15,2017district -9 November19,2017district-tbd December17,2017 – TBD

Area Assembly Meeting

Area 34 Assembly – 10:30 am – November 20, 2016.

Hosted by District 10

2953 Shaw-Be-Quo Ung Rd.  Manistee, MI 49660

AA members, groups, GSRs and DCMs are encouraged to attend.
The Assembly is the AA General Service entity that serves and unifies AA in the western half of lower Michigan, the eastern end of the U.P. and from the Indiana state line to Sault Ste. Marie. The Assembly comes to order at 10:30am, potluck lunch at noon, and adjourns about 4:00pm.
congrats to our new area 34 officers

Donations to Area Assembly – Checks payable to 
Western Michigan Area 34
c/o Jim Hankinson
4976 West River Dr. NE
Comstock Park, MI 49321

Events Calendar


If you have a Gmail account, you can add events. Let’s utilize this calendar to help spread the message

Growing Season


These yearlong activities can be completed between
 March 1, 2016 and February 28, 2017.

Please Click on the image for navigation and get your team signed up!

About Alcoholics Anonymous

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. 

Disclaimer & Anonymity


Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. or the AA Grapevine has not approved, endorsed, or reviewed this website, nor is it affiliated with it, and the ability to link to A.A.W.S.’ or the AA Grapevine site does not imply otherwise.

Permission to reprint the AA Grapevine, Inc. copyrighted material on this website does not in any way imply affiliation or endorsement of this organization.


Q. I maintain an Internet Web site and also belong to an online meeting. At what level should I protect my anonymity on the internet?
A. Publicly accessible aspects of the Internet such as Web sites featuring text, graphics, audio and video ought to be considered another form of “public media.” Thus, they need to be treated in the same manner as press, radio, TV and films. This means that full names and faces should not be used. However, the level of anonymity in e-mail, online meetings and chat rooms would be a personal decision.

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