Mail your Coffee donations to Address below,  Thank You !!

______ individual _______Group will donate _____ Gallons of Coffee

@$24.00 per gal.______   $___________ Enclosed

Please include Name, Address, and Phone.



Please take the time to fill out completely                Please Print

Mail Checks Payable to

52nd Michigan State Convention

P.O. Box 1164

Belleville, Mi. 48112

Name ______________________________________    Area________

Address _____________________________________

City _________________ State____Zip__________ Phone (    )_______________


______AA ______ Alonon _____ Alateen _____ Guest _____ Hearing Impaired

Specify other needs______________________________________________


Registration by  2/21/04        ____@ $10.00 each =____________________


After 2/21/04                        ____@ $15.00 each = ____________________


Alateen --------------------      ____@  $5.00  each = ____________________


Saturday Banquet --------      _____@ $ 35.00 each = __________________


                                                                  TOTAL = __________________


Reserved seating available for banquet attendees(Saturday main speaker)
* Alateen permission slips are required!!!    


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