DISTRICT INTEREST & INVOLVEMENT > Western Michigan Alcoholics Anonymous Area 34 – Discussion > Western Michigan Area Assembly

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10/11/2006 11:19 AM Alert 
Hello Everyone!The scenerio is this … In District 12 (Otsego & Crawford Counties) we have a small group base to draw District participation from (6 Groups/GSRs). With our number of active groups being low, and when half of the groups dont’ send their GSRs to District meetings, the few of us that attend often feel overwhelmed and spread thin. I have visited a couple of the groups that we never hear from, but nothing has changed. I wonder if they feel disconnected from the fellowship and often pray for them to understand or realize the value our active groups share. A couple of times, I’ve heard, “We’re not into politics … We take our sobriety very serious, here … We are functioning just fine!”I know that every AA group is autonomous (4th Tradition) but it sure feels like our District, Area, and AA as a whole is sure missing out on more experience, strength, and hope from those who are not involved with the service group structure.I am truly grateful for service work. I do this because I know that AA saved my life. I desire to draw from YOUR experience only to become a better member of my homegroup and a better member of AA.From your experience, how can we increase intereste in service structure and encourage those “dark groups” to attend/participate in District, even Area level activities?My first thought is to just be persistent and patient … to keep visiting their groups’ meetings … ???In humble gratitude,Jamie
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