There are several pamphlets that AA has to help the membership contact the professionals, whether they be Doctors, Lawyers, Court Staff, etc. Contacting our friends and letting them know about us, is just another way to carry the message about AA. Making a list of contacts and then personally contacting them is perfectly O.K., just as long as it is kept in mind that the list should not be distributed or used for any other mailings.
Some of the pamphlets you may want to refer to and take along with you are: Speaking at non-AA Meetings, If you are a professional, This is AA, AA as a Resource for the Health Care Professional, Inside AA, Understanding Anonymity, A Brief Guide to Alcoholics Anonymous.
You are located in District 1 of Western Michigan Area Assembly and should be able to get these pamphlets either in Stevensville, Holland or South Haven. I’m located in District 4 Kalamazoo and we have them as well. You can also get them and other information about carrying the message to the professional from the General Service Office in New York. The website is, or you can link to it through this website. Try to attend the District meeting over there and bring up your plight for discussion. I believe it is posted at the Alano House in Stevensville.
Unfortunately the P.I.C.P.C. chairperson for the Area has passed on, but if you are looking for some ideas and would like to find out a bit more about PI, please attend May’s Area Assembly and participate with the PI committee. The location in Grayling is also listed on the WMAA website. Come up and make a short weekend of it and join the fellowship.
Your Area Delegate is away doing the business of AA, but he would also be another one to contact. There are several folks out there and willing to give you a hand and pass on their ideas.