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The Grapevine Digital


AA Grapevine Reps (GvRs)

The basic job of the Grapevine representative, or GvR, is to make the
magazine available to the home group, and to encourage AAs to read it, subscribe
to it, and use it in Twelfth Step work. The GvR may volunteer for the service
position or be elected. Most GvRs have found that simply bringing the Grapevine
to the attention of their group on a regular basis raises awareness about the
magazine and eventually expands its readership. GVRs who read and enjoy the
magazine themselves are likely to communicate their enthusiasm to others.

GvRs at group, district and area levels are a vital part of The
Grapevine helping us to continue carrying the message of AA. What started out in
1944 as an eight paged newsletter grew into a full magazine that not only served
as Bill W.’s communication tool to the growing number of AAs but has now reached
a monthly circulation of approximately 115,000.

link to the Grapevine Representatives section at the AA Grapevine Website




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